Tuesday, July 26, 2011

just Asian beauty

The Geisha appears in the Edo Era, also known as "Geisha machi" ( Urban Geisha) but now even after more than 400 years, still is         causing fascination, and many questions about it........

The word  " GEISHA " comes from the Chinese phonemes  "Gei", which means art, skill, and "Sha" which means person...
That's what a Geisha is a person with skill in various arts.

In ancient times, specifically in the Edo era to the Meiji era, the word Geisha was used to refer to any person who belonged to the arts (poetry, drama, painting), but it also was extended to other sectors (religious, sports, teachers of foreign languages, and even to refer to the surgeons of the time), also it was designated by this name those who operated in the indoor or private, which is close to the idea of ​​a Geisha.

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